Monday, March 30, 2009, 12:39 AM
AND SO YOU'RE BACK!FROM OUTER SPACE! =P Saturday, March 28, 2009, 11:26 PM
finished watching the jdrama 'pride' in less than 2 daysits an old show kidna watched bits and pieces of it last time just felt like watching it again and i'm glad i did it was really sweet, nice, romantic and inspiring hmmmm... Lyrics | Darren Hayes Lyrics | I Miss You Lyrics , 12:29 PM
spent the whole day alone ytddoing stuff and running my errands my teeth hurts stupid braces woke up in the middle of the night cause it hurts so much shitted like hell ytd when i almost didn't eat the whole day *its finally tomorrow. but i'm feeling afraid more than feeling excited...* Friday, March 27, 2009, 12:26 AM
aiyo.i think i'm just being too paranoid. shitty. *3 more days* Thursday, March 26, 2009, 12:09 AM
today was was fun. today was good. *4 more days to go. its getting really tough right now. so near yet so far.* cabbage: thanks for listening to all my rantings. :) you've been a great friend. Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 1:09 AM
i really hate myself for being who i ami need to be stronger i have like so many unphrased questions with no answers to them and i need the answers now or my mind will start wandering and one day, i'll find myself collapsing conceive. believe. achieve. - they no longer seem to work for me. i'm beginning to think that, all my beliefs are wrong, untrue. GOD.INEEDHELP.SAVEME. Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 10:37 PM
don't know why, but i can't seem to sleep past 1000hrswhich sucks when i have the opportunity to sleep in =( and also when its raining!!!! arghs! was really tired today. no idea why when i thought i had like at least 8hours of sleep. and my mood wasn't going so well since evening worst still it had gotten worst. sigh. was supposed to like go for a full body massage (sponsored by my daddy) tmr. damn happy at first cause i think i really need it but then, the timing is like at 1645hrs if i go for the massage which will take like 2 - 3 hrs, i won't be able to go for ACES steamboat outing so now what? *5 more days* i guess this is the only thing that keeps me going right now. sigh. Monday, March 23, 2009, 10:32 PM
finally had the day to myself todaywoke up at like 0930hrs wanted to go swimming at sengkang swimming complex went all the way there only to find out that it closes on monday walked to sengkang interchange took bus to my old condo went there and started to swim met old neighbour and sun tanned together i'm like dark now, i think -.- *6 more days to go* hang in there :) Sunday, March 22, 2009, 11:53 PM
everything that has happened this one month seems like a whirlwind to mei can't make out what seems real and whats not it seems like a dream a really wonderful and amazing dream a dream, like it said and dreams, are not meant to be true but when i pinch and bite myself (-.-) it hurts. but i suppose, because it seems too good to be true that i'm feeling that way but.. oh wells. its good i guess. so i shall just enjoy the moment and not brood over it so much. =) p.s. cabbage, relax and breath. don't worry about tmr. praying for u =) , 4:16 PM
wore the same shirt when i put my extensions onand i also wore the same shirt when i took off my extensions really missed my actual hair though it had grown longer!!! *amazed* but i regretted getting cut after i took it off cause now my hair is like damn thin can!!! arghs!!! *pissed* i'm finally going to get my slippers! hehe XD *7 more days to go* Friday, March 20, 2009, 11:04 PM
well. congrats to ppl who had great results and *pats on the back* to ppl who thinks that their results aren't great. =) received a surprise call today. was totally shocked -.- like completely lost for words all i know was i kept blabbering nonsense and kept laughing and smiling like some stupid idiot -.- but... oh wells. =) was happy =D 9 more days to go whee~ , 1:39 AM
reached sch like damn early today 0920hrs? was like supposed to be earlier but.... haha. i guess i won't elaborate. kena ps-ed AGAIN. haha. had shun qing accompany at the booth for like 2hrs. =) was alone at the booth in the afternoon =( left early cause like damn cold and -.- so went for NPS meeting stupid weili took the scores back last week and never passed to anyone so we had like no scores to play -.- thanks man. good job. freshies class was kinda pathetic but fun haha. only 2 of them zhen an and jeb. =) after that had to go for like ensemble practice even though it was like 2100hrs after practice ended, charmaine and me sang lucky! lol. haha. i wasn't like sure at first but then i wanted to like sing again and again after! haha. i like that song alot =) its damn nice! =D went home (took 151) with charmaine, hazm, weijie, gabriel and steph thanks gabriel for accompanying me to wait for my bus 136 =) *tired and still not feeling so good* =( results are out tmr at 0900hrs sucky. i'm so not opening my mail or npal and i uncheck the send exam results via sms so... DON'T ASK ME ABOUT IT AT ALL. thanks. =) Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 11:49 PM
woke up at like 1000hrs wanted to sleep more wasn't feeling too good since 16th tired and unwell but come on!!! haha. =) that isn't me la. haha. SMILE!!! =D today was like a 'shu nu' day for me. haha. wore the skirt that me and jiaxue bought the other time we went to bugis i was like totally black. =p thought i would be late but once again i wasn't. =) finally ate the $4.50 meal. haha. =) thne afterwards i kept my word and accompany jiaxue to get her stuff. waited like -.- haha. and then we went bugis again!!! =p bought pants (like finally!) and then went to granny's house for dinnner!!! its been a long time since i saw granny and cousins food was great as usual even its just simple dishes, i still love her cooking =) wanted to leave but was like talking to tonnes of ppl on msn completely forgotten how to use the old msn got like so confused haha. don't know who talking to me then i miss out a few convers and stuff. haha. finally went home at like 2220hrs waited for cab and it took hours to come -.- oh wells. gotta reach sch by like 0900hrs tmr for the MDE booth. have fun tmr ppl! =) *cabbage: hope everything went well and you're feeling better/well. =)* , 10:28 AM
17th march 2009 great. supposed to have additional practice today. but guess what? only total strength 14 ppl turned up. thanks ar. well. really thank you to those ppl who turned up and those ppl who informed me that they won't be able to make it as for the rest COULD YOU GUYS AT LEAST HAVE THE COURTESY TO TELL ME THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO MAKE IT FOR PRACTICE? i wrote in the sms to tell me if you can't make it. and well. i was supposed to have ilke 28 ppl coming down and now i only have half. quite a feat alrdy. haha. once again, thanks alot to those ppl who came down. =) Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 3:00 PM
16 March 2009 tired!!!! went to the airport like really early in the morning didn't slp the night before -.- haha. i didn't know they had like what overstay charges when you stay in the train for too long -.- i took from like changi airport, to pasir ris, then to joo koon and then to city hall. haha total time of ride = 2hrs and got like penalty charge of $2. good job gwen. went to meet cabbage at esplanade but he wasn't there yet. so i wonder around like what seems forever. haha. went around looking for scores for er SITC and ensemble pieces. only managed to find like exercise scores instead but when cabbage finally came and i wanted to borrow guess what. the lady told me: "you need to pay $21 for the premium membership to be able to borrow" wah. thanks ar. if i know earlier, i wouldn't have like search for crazy. -.- went to eat at the korean place at suntec i was talking to cabbage then i forgot to tell the person i don't wan chilli and SHIT. i tried to like lie my way through see if she can give me a new one when she pass me my food.... gwen: er. mine i don't want chilli... lady: but you never say ar gwen: erm. i did. lady: but we cook alrdy. and this set is got chilli one -.- shit.! plan failed so i went to queue up and buy another one without chilli. stupid. the meal is not cheap can! but if i don't do that. i would have like pratically nth to eat =( went back to sch for meetings!!! until like erm 9? then i stay and played guitar in the clubhouse until 11pm? haha. took like weisheng's car to ju and rebacca's house thought the cab fare would be cheaper from there but! its like the same. nono. slightly more ex. stupid. haha. bathe and slept once i reached home. too tired la. =/ Saturday, March 14, 2009, 11:29 PM
no matter whatever your decision will be or might be we will always be with you cause thats what friends are for =) i'm always here for you! hang in there boy! =) , 1:35 AM
had a tiring day today reached school at ilke 1030 to check the new instruments coming in had to pack and reorganize the instruments all over again! arghs! didn't even had lunch then i had to go for FOP/FOC org com meeting =/ but i managed to buy like cookies, lime juice and pearl milk tea. so that was what i had for lunch! =) meeting was fun and did quite a number of stuff =) ended at like at 1800hrs and then i had to meet rebacca, jazzrel and wave to discuss virt com stuff ended like in an hour cause i have to go IT FAIR with some STUPID PIG! met up w the STUPID PIG and ltr w cabbage and yipin! =) *thank you cabbage and yipin for your help! especially cabbage!* stupid pig went to buy his memory stick and we left the place -.- everyone like accompanied him there just to get his damn memory stick after that was supposed to have subway but we ate korean food! haha. it didn't look very appetising but the taste was still fine =) went home after that. tired -.- tmr still got strings. have fun gwen! x) Friday, March 13, 2009, 12:34 AM
i really didn't wan to watch it like COMPLETELY didn't want to i will never do it again ever! stupid pig. =( today was like really full of ups and downs man like really tiring for me both emotionally and mentally i did sth that i nvr would have imagined myself doing i got myself immersed into sth that sometimes i wished i didn't have i found myself really troublesome and irritating -.- its too late for everything now but i have to move on and just take things as it is and SMILE!!! =) only then, (maybe) i can be me!!! Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 6:18 PM
i'm back!although the camp like ends tmr but i'm home due to like a few reasons. and one of which would be like i'm like sick (again) as usual stupid flu and also some stupid injury that i had during the virt com camp while playing games. -.- i didn't think it would be serious then i didn't bother and just thought that as long as i leave it alone it will heal by itself. (i've had like so many injuries that i don't bother counting) but its been 2 months and the lump seems more obvious and it feels like my bone. haha. -.- i couldn't wear shoes, couldn't run and even walk fast. which sucks like to the core. HOWEVER! the camp was fun. even though i have been to like bottle tree a ZILLION of times. haha. i really love my group ACES =) haha. i think my group was like damn funny la. haha. got that weijun who keeps lau kuey-ing himself. haha. i really feel like going for campfire and do the dance w them but, my leg is like hurting and even when doing the damn dance, i will be like -.- and not jumping when they are. haha. and i doubt i'll even be able to leave the place after campfire. haha. that means i have to stay over ANOTHER NIGHT! =p haha. just kidding!!! and i realised i really missed the days when i was doing camps and stuff. haha. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. haha. hopefully they will enjoy the rest of the camp and have even MORE FUN! =) today was like my first RSP tutoring session. i had like 3 students. there are like damn fun to be with. =) hopefully i can like tutor them next year also but most probably won't be able to. i can't wait for like the next session which will be like in 2 weeks! kinda regretted missing last week's session. =/ Sunday, March 8, 2009, 11:25 PM
TODAY... i really hated mahjong. not because i lost, but because of something else... *its really stupid to cry. you're like the dumbest girl i ever met can!* , 12:04 AM
having like camp on monday -.- bottle tree park -.- -.-its been ages since i've been there BUT! i alrdy like know everything there. haha. wonder what and how the camp is gonna be like though. =) went to like SEE (not ride) the flyer for the first time today. omgosh. its like damn tall can! haha. and really expensive too. haha. its like $30 bucks per person -.- had like tau hey at my fav rochor stall!!! haha. its been ages la! the last time i had it was the SPSE concert at NAFA. =) its still damn delicious and yummy!!! =) piano again tmr. early morning. =( i wan my sleep! *even though you're like really sickening, i THINK i'll miss you. haha* Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 11:44 PM
cca starts tmr. and my whole life begins all over again. my holidays are just that few days. -.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have watched like many movies and there are like still so many other movies that i want to watch! haha. they are like never ending! arghs! why can't my dad own a cinema then i can keep going to watch movies for free!! =p ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- today had sherry's bdae surprise!!! =) hope u like yr present and had fun!!! even though we like spend only v little time together (cause she had to like go to her granny's place) and ps-ed us (me, jiaxue, shirle). worst thing was like shirle purposely came down w the cake then sherry had to leave alrdy. so we accompanied shirle to eat then went home. =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmr have main comm meeting at 1500hrs and i have to get my phone fixed!!! thanks jiaxue for lending me her NEW SPARE PHONE. i will take care of it but IF i do drop it or whatever, i think, i'll and might as well just buy it from u. haha. looks like i have to like wake up earlier to go down to wisma for like the 4th time this week. and i really hope that its finally open! went down today and it was open but i didn't had my phone -.- what a pig! haha. 1st quartet practice tmr i think. haha. don't know what we're going to do but. well. i guess, have fun and enjoy! =) *i can't find stupid super mario ensemble scores!!! arghs!* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have ilke camp from monday to wednesday. at BOTTLE TREE PARK! -.- i've been there like many many times. must enjoy myself. haha. if not, i think i'll suffer. lol. paid for it! so must enjoy! haha. and i'm going broke. like wth. haha. need to work but i don't have the time to work. shirley told me that she had this part time admin offer. $6/hr. haha. hopefully i can like set aside time to do it! then i've like MONEY!!!! haha =) I WANNA GO ON A HOLIDAY BADLY!!! =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.s. i think my dad is like uber cool. haha. he is like my bff, my bf and everything else. haha. my boyfriend MUST be like my dad. haha. he is taking a part time dip course in ngee ann now. its his second dip btw. he is having exams tmr and he tells me things like what i told him: "gwen, tmr i got exam leh. how? die la. you wan to help me do?" lol can!!! and when he had to write a report: "gwen, i have to write report for a project. can help me do?" lol! haha. but in the end he will just do his report and exams fine =) i think he is the coolest dad ever!!! =) p.s. to everybody out there: is yr dad cooler? =p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, March 2, 2009, 1:08 AM
uber tired day!had to wake up like freaking early for piano lesson. cause i haven been practicing lately. =p had like pratically sight read the whole piece of 3 pages this whole lesson and practising on the details to pay attention to and stuff. -.- had to like go to my uncle's house for lunch! yeah!!! at bukit panjang. played alittle mahjong and ate alittle here adn there. supposed to go fixed my phone at orchard. but it rained so heavily so we decided to go city hall to wait for the rain to stop and we met val and chris at esplanade!!! haha. then the four of us hung out together. went to carl's junior for dinner but i ended up not eating everything cause the portions are like really large!!! and expensive too can!!! haha. walked around shopping and stuff for awhile then me and weili left. val bought a dress!! blue dresss! it looks really nice on her. haha. show off all her you know, good stuff. haha. *VAL: don't care what they say! you look nice!!! =)* Sunday, March 1, 2009, 12:14 AM
had a really great day today =)collected my violin!!! FINALLY!!! after 1 month and 1 week EXACTLY. haha. i'm like super happy but only to realise now that my darling sister is not coming back for the night and the violin is with her -.- anyways. was slacking around at amk hub for lets say around 3hrs? i was like watching show on my psp and i finally decided to take out my theory work to do at macs then i just completed the 3rd bar then this lady from macs came towards me and chased me out -.- i haven even like started studying lor!!! and worst still. i cannot don't give up my seat. there were like so many students crowding around my table alrdy can! sickening ass. and i went to watch movie too!!! haha. today's movie is really EXPENSIVE! $10. -.- watched role models =) i can't say that its not worth 10 bucks but it was really funny la. haha. and there was like this guy in the cinema that laughed so much like lam weili can! haha. lam weili has finally met his competitor! haha. this guy laughed like damn loud, damn high pitch and damn funny. haha. lol. after movie was like 2130hrs alrdy. so went home! then went to eat supper at erm some place that bus 86 goes pass. this stretch that has like alot of indian food and stuff. it was my first time eating there so... haha. but the food tasted not bad la. *although i thought the roti prata ko-song was like damn small size* =) now! i'm finally at home!!! but have like piano tmr -.- and lunch with my dad's side family! =) BUT! its at bukit panjang -.- don't wanna know how to get there and don't wanna know how i'm gonna get back home. =( well. camp on monday. really don't feel like going. i wanna spend more time w my granny. haven been visiting her cause i can't concentrate on studying when i'm there. =( kinda missed her. hmmm. can i not go for the camp on the 2nd - 4th march? =( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- an advice for _______________: well. great job so far! seems like for you everything is going into place and hopefully won't be like the past relationships you have so far my dear! enjoy! |
![]() gwen foong (: ngee ann polytechnic business process and quality engineering somewhere in the year. =) bold underline italic SECRETS.
there is no certainty,only possibility never back down RANDOMNESS.
bestiesgrace grace again enx fishy the THREE musketeers gwen sherry jiaxue NPstrings npstrings baby sharr hazm weijie cabbage val charmaine shirle juliana gabriel xiang2 yokemay yongzu huiyun stozer teckyi vivien NGEE ANN siewyee senghow nicholas christopher erwin zhongrong rainee kaiyang gloria huiping stanley xinmei CAMPHA jaclyn peixuan FLASH BACKS.
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