Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 12:07 AM
had Fish n Co for dinner today! hehe. =p there were only like 2 of us but we order like a truckload of food lah! the best fish and chip had an awesome day today despite the downs =) Monday, April 27, 2009, 12:36 AM
GRANDIOSO IV WAS GREAT! =)YOU DID A GOOD JOB SHAR! =) Saturday, April 25, 2009, 10:55 PM
went cycling today at east coast park. like omgosh. damn long nvr cycle liao lah. -.- went to eat new york new york after that. the GREAT YANKEE BURGER is like damn big lah! and with all the fries surrounding it. -.- NYNY had a challenge, and that is to finish the whole of the GREAT YANKEE BURGER + the fries by yourself within an hour. -.- THE GREAT YANKEE BURGER we shared the burger together. haha. ate till damn sian lah. the taste is good but eat too much will feel damn sian. -.- he was really tired out today. =/ never seen him this tired out before. =( Friday, April 24, 2009, 1:03 AM
i need a break.i need to sleep more. i'm tired out. so fast. it seems like i haven done anything big/great. i need a get away. Thursday, April 23, 2009, 9:21 AM
22 April 2009 (wednesday)had my first IS lesson today. whee~ fun =) not very fun but i can foresee it being better! i was ilke damn tired too lah. haha. even though i don't know why the hell i took the module besides that its ends like around the same time.... but i am not regretting it at all. =D ended at 10am can! when my lesson is supposed to be from 0800 - 1200. haha. HAPPY! =D anyways, managed to sleep for like 2 hours in the afternoon before going for main comm meeting at 1800hrs. ate macs after meeting at around 2100hrs then went to granny's place to stayover lor. =( damn late liao lah. reached there at like 10 minutes to 0000hrs. got class at 0800 the next day. won't have much time to sleep. gonna be damn tired. =( Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:05 AM
went to sit the flyer today! yippie! instead of paying $29.50 for it, i only paid $10 and didn't had to share the rest of the cubicle with strangers!!! woo hoo~ =DTuesday, April 21, 2009, 12:12 AM
FIRST DAY OF YEAR TWOi still can't believe i'm like year 2 lah. today got down the bus then see, wth, damn lots of ppl lah. like wth. and like i see the looks of the freshmen's face. haha. i imagine myself last time. omgosh. haha. i can't believe i looked like this. haha. damn shitty. quite tired alrdy lah. so shan't blog much. =) anyways, got like mini performance tmr. sian. kena looked down again. like TOTALLY. -.- shit ass. Monday, April 20, 2009, 12:08 AM
THANK YOU GRACE! =P*i know this contradicts with the last post lah. -.-* i think i really need alot of sleep. haven been sleeping much lately and school is like reopening tomorrow already. need to start pulling up my socks and BUCK UP man. GWEN NEEDS TO STUDY HARDER THIS SEMESTER! =P *REWIND~!* Saturday, April 18, 2009, 11:30 PM
thanks for being so kaypo GRACEmood now is like totally PISSED OFF. Thursday, April 16, 2009, 11:59 PM
sometimes feeling at a lost at what to dosometimes feeling at a lost for what is happening around me sometimes hurting people unknowingly sometimes feeling at lost for what i should be feeling its really not on purpose but... second time in a row consecutively for two days this really sucks i'm sorry but... am i really worth it for all these pain? Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 2:57 AM
don't really have the mood to blog. so just briefing state stuff...reached sch damn early to check out the contacts. left stuff at clubhouse. went to meet him to go funan to get his hard disk. ate pastamania. didn't like the taste of the tuna and bacon. quite fishy. rushed to bvss. cause was running late. tuition ended like really fast today. new student - serene. he waited for me together w our violins (carried from sch to clementi). i was late. he waited quite a while. (sorry) waited for chris to fetch us to vjc for concert practice. had like so much fun throughout the ride there. vjc concert was like 'omgosh'. the sound was nice altogether. concert ended and went for dinner. waited for quite a while cause chris got lost -.- ate macs. had to go back to sch after that. he took 154 with me back to sch. (thank you) really many many thanks to dongqiang and karen for coming to the bus stop to fetch me, go my clubhouse and get my stuff and wait for me to finish bathing before going back to clubhouse. and somemore help me carry my stuff. =) i'm still awake at this unearthly hour cause i have to wake up in like half an hour more. i'm really damn tired today cause i didn't get to sleep much the night before and some people just don't appreciate the privillege that they have and don't wan to sleep when they themselves are already damn tired. good job. fop tmr. hope everything goes well *keeps fingers cross* p.s. i need a shoulder to lie on. *grace aka pig, wanna lend me yours? =p* Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:43 PM
HELLO!!!! I'M BACK! =Phehe. went to genting for 3D2N. =D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY ONE btw, i slept like the whole journey can! what a pig lah. haha. reached genting at around 12 plus. went to check in the luggages only. had to wait until 1400hrs then can start checking in -.- so went to eat lunch! =D went to like walk the 'haunted adventures' and toured 'ripley's museum'. was like FORCED to walk the 'haunted adventures' lah. it wasn't that scary after all BUT STILL!! haha =p had lots of stuff for dinner actually. marrybrown was one of them. they still don't let me order 2 thighs lah! wth. -.- also ate cup corn. asked for more margarine. they machiam gave me the whole tub. was like damn sucky that i didn't continue eating. had goreng pisang too! hehe. e taste was alrite lah. kinda missed the goreng pisang my mom used to buy for me a long time ago. =p also had like sweet potato! i don't really eat it but it taste nice! hehe. quite ex thought. 100grams 4Rm -.- DAY TWO damn lazy to wake up can. haha. wanted to like slp more more more! but oh wells. had the free breakfast coupon, so went down for breakfast. hadn't eaten koko crunch like ages lah!!! so i ate two bowls! hehe. then after that was THEME PARK TIME! sat like other rides too. like cyclone, 4d motion, the indoor 'exciting' roller coaster, go kart etc. oh. played bowling too lah!!! haha. oh oh. i bought like a shirt again from padini!! and FAMOUS AMOUS!!! YUM YUM! =P DAY THREE slept till 10 plus? =p had like hou mei for lunch. damn ex. haha. going home. like everything went by damn fast lah. enjoyed myself alot. =D couldn't sleep on the way back to singapore. THE COACH WAS LIKE FREAKING COLD CAN!!! grrrr! haha. reached singapore at around 6 plus 7. =D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well... holiday is over. time for WORK WORK WORK! Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 10:39 PM
today was really fruitful! :)managed to watch two movies in a day! hehe ![]() DETRIOT METAL CITY and ![]() firstly, was supposed to meet him at like 11am. but i left my house only at 1030. haha. so i was late. but since he forgot to take his wallet and had to go back home, I MANAGED TO REACH EARLIER THAN HIM!!! wahahaha. =p went to get his NEW PHONE! he was like damn happy lah. like a small kid that just got his first toy ever. haha. then he msged me when he was trying out e iphone saying that i was the first person he msged using the iphone. =p haha. then i think he got like too high alrdy lah. then imagine ppl steal his singtel plastic bag then blackmail that person and stuff. -.- haha. oh wells. went to watch DETROIT METAL CITY at GV Plaza. didn't know there was student price! hehe. so we were like shocked when the lady asked us for like our student pass. haha. i was like wondering, i don't look 16 meh? -.- anyways, he said like the anime was nicer even after watching the movie. i think both the anime and movie not bad lah. both also funny. haha. hmmm. then i wanted to buy like polo tee from cotton on, so we went there. AND YIPPIE! i finally bought my polo tees! this time it wasn't like 2 for $30. it was 1 for $10. so obviously, I BOUGHT THREE!!! hehe. then we headed down to amk hub to watch CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC. its damn funny can. haha. although i read the book, i didn't expect it to be like that funny. haha. he laughed like damn lot of times and damn LOUD lah can. haha. went home after that. cause he going to play lan with his church mates. well. tmr is like NPS day again. from 3pm all the way until 10pm. =/ oh well. i need more practice anyways. =) i'm sorry
, 2:53 AM
i think i have misunderstood your intention on certain matters and yeah, when i share with my friends, you end up as the bad person. but after today, i guess, its bcause i don't put myself in your shoes, even though i think i'm trying. (or there is sth wrong with you today) WAHAHA. but i will really try. i will do whatever i can. =)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well well. i'm back from trial camp. i really had fun disturbing the ppl and mingling with the people there. can't wait for FOP/FOC to start like really soon!!! haha. AND MY LEG IS LIKE DAMN DARN ITCHY LAH!!!! i had to walk the night walk with xanier! even though we know like where the scare points are, we stil got like scared -.- like damn stupid lah!!! then those ppl who scared me, ESPECIALLY RONNIE! see me only thne start laughing -.- and me and su shan were like bitching around like so much can!! haha. i couldn't believe it myself. haha. we must like hang out sometime to like bitch around and stuff. haha. =p p.s. thank you for listening to me!!! Sunday, April 5, 2009, 7:48 PM
It was nice to be alone, not to have to smile and look pleased; a relief to stare dejectedly out the window at the sheeting rain and let just a few tears escape.Saturday, April 4, 2009, 8:32 PM
i'm back from camp! =)and i fell. like totally fell cause my ankle gave way again. yeah. like -.- haha tmr is like the only break before trial camp begins!!! =) Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 2:02 AM
chordsminor or major major or minor who knows. |
![]() gwen foong (: ngee ann polytechnic business process and quality engineering somewhere in the year. =) bold underline italic SECRETS.
there is no certainty,only possibility never back down RANDOMNESS.
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